Welcome to W.O.W.
WOW stands for Women of Worth, a ministry to women in North Port and our community hosted by Gulf Coast Assembly of God.
Monday, December 27, 2010
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Aline's Gift Goal this year!

Hi Ladies!
Merry Christmas! Hope you are staying warm! It is SO COLD for us Floridians! I covered my plants last night hoping that they don't freeze and die!
My mother-in-law who lives in Virginia, said they just don't bother with that up there! Normally, I wouldn't either, but I had just planted some new plants in my flower garden in October when the weather was in the 80's! and I sure don't want to lose them already!
I just wanted to report to you that we've done really well between the Silent Basket Auction and Bake Sale. With these two fund-raisers our final total is $1825.20! We are so close to making our goal of $2000.00 this year!
Miss Sue is working on a little project and will probably send more monies in to help towards our goal! Yay!!!!
If God speaks to your heart, would you make a donation towards this before the end of the year?
We must have all monies sent in before the year end to the District Office.
Thank you so much for your help and with us working together I know we can do it!
To God Be the Glory!
Love & Hugs,
LaDonna Jones
Women of Worth Director
Gulf Coast Assembly of God
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Bake Sale for Aline's Gift

Hi Ladies!
Hope you are enjoying the Christmas Season! It's such a busy time for certain. I just wanted to remind you that we are doing one last push for Aline's Gift to meet our goal this year.
We are really close and with your help I believe we're going to make it! Please bring your baked items in by 9:00 am in the main sanctuary. There will be tables set up for the goodies in the lobby!
Meredith & Danuta are in charge of setting and taking care of this fundraiser.
If you can't make something....be sure and buy something to support this important effort!
Thank you so much for all your help in reaching our goal to be a blessing to our missionaries!
Love you!
Wishing you and yours a Merry Christmas!
LaDonna Jones
WOW Director
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Friday, December 3, 2010
Solve Maternity Homes

We're officially in the Christmas season now! Just wanted to remind you that we'll be collecting items for the Solve Maternity homes. Our goal is to have these items ready to deliver in February.
So, please pick up one of the sheets with the items needed and start purchasing them. We'll have a tote in the lobby for you to place your items in.
Thank you so much for caring for these precious women and this ministry.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Don't forget our "Rejoice" Celebration!

Yes, it's almost Thanksgiving! It's hard to believe, but by now most likely you are getting those meal items purchased and have started cooking for your Thanksgiving celebrations. I encourage you to take a few minutes and thank God for his blessings in your lives. Some of you I know have or are going through difficult times, but find something to thank the Lord for! Let's have an "Attitude of Gratitude".
Looking forward to seeing you next week for our WOW Christmas Event "Rejoice!" with Laura Cestero, our youth leader's wife speaking. Please bring a pot-luck dish to share for our meal. The evening begins with fellowship at 6:30 pm at Gulf Coast Assembly of God, 2800 Pan American Blvd. North Port in the Life Center.
**If you are planning to come that evening, be sure and sign up or you may RSVP here by replying back to me.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Thanksgiving: The Forgotten Holiday

By Candy Arrington
Sandwiched somewhere between Halloween and Christmas is a Thursday holiday that is slowly becoming more miniscule in the minds of millions of Americans—Thanksgiving. If you search hard, you might find one small section of Thanksgiving cards, autumn decorations, and a turkey platter amid the aisles and miles of Halloween costumes, Christmas decorations, and toys.
For some, Thanksgiving is a day to get a list together prior to a day of marathon Christmas shopping. Somehow our perception of Thanksgiving Day has gone askew. We’ve forgotten the reason for celebration that first Thanksgiving. Gratitude for survival!
Historically we think of Thanksgiving as a time of feasting for the Pilgrims and Indians. In the fall of 1621, the Pilgrims had been in America less than a year. During those months, over half their original population died from disease or starvation. The Pilgrims hosted the first feast not to try out their latest recipes, but to celebrate life with their Indian friends and give thanks to God for His provision in difficult circumstances.
Perhaps you’d like to redirect your family toward gratitude this year. Just as many enlist the help of an advent wreath to prepare for the celebration of Jesus’ birth in December, focus on thanks-giving this November by doing the following:
Week 1 – Write Bible verses that name the attributes of God on fruit-shaped cut-outs. Place them in a basket or cornucopia. During a time of family devotions or at a meal, have each family member select a fruit from the basket and read the verse aloud. Then discuss ways your family has experienced each of God’s qualities.
Week 2 – Think about reasons for ingratitude. Most of us are incredibly blessed, yet we find reasons to complain. This week, any time family members complain about something, have them place money in a jar. Your family can decide the amount. Then at the end of the week, donate the money to the soup kitchen or mobile meals to help with Thanksgiving meals.
Week 3 – Think of someone you love and appreciate, but rarely see. Make plans to call, send a card, or visit that person. Find out if there is a special need, pray with the person, and provide materially or with an act of service.
Week 4 – Focus on praising God. Let each family member select a praise chorus or hymn. Sing a different one at each meal instead of saying a blessing. Thank God for material provision, physical health, spiritual blessings, our country, our church, and family.
These are just a few ideas to help you get started. Use your creativity to come up with others and enjoy making Thanksgiving a holiday to remember.
© Candy Arrington. Used with permission. Check out Candy’s Web site at http://www.candyarrington.com/.
© Candy Arrington. Used with permission. Check out Candy’s Web site at http://www.candyarrington.com/.
Hope you have an awesome Thanksgiving! See you November 30th for our WOW Christmas "Rejoice!"
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Rejoice! Christmas Celebration, Nov 30th

Our guest speaker this month is our Youth leaders wife, Laura Cestero. She'll be sharing what God has placed on her heart! Come out for fun, fellowship and word!
Our event this month is: Tuesday, November 30th beginning with a pot-luck meal at 6:30 pm.
Child-care will be provided.
We hope to see you there!
LaDonna Jones
WOW leadership team
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