Hi Ladies!
Fall is almost here! We are having a special event for you after taking a summer break. We'll meet Tuesday, September 25th at 6:30 pm for a meal, fellowship and word.
We have a special evening planned for you! I'm so excited as we are doing something a bit different! There will be a powerful message ending in break-out groups!
Reminder: We are doing shoe boxes this year for the women's Teen Challenge center in Ft. Myers. Please sign up in the church lobby!
WOW (Women of Worth) is a place to make connections with other godly women and receive encouragement.
Please bring a covered dish that we can share. Bring your favorite entree that you enjoy making for friends and family! There will be a sign up sheet in the lobby for you to let us know what you'd like to bring.
We are looking forward to meeting with you and sharing in each other's lives!
With Lots of Love,