Hi Ladies!
Happy New Year!
Yes, we are well into 2012!
It's hard to believe! God has brought us through 2011 and I'm so thankful for a new year and a new day! I love that scripture that says in Lamentations 3:22-23 "Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. "They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness."
Last year was a trying year for me personally. Many of you know I was diagnosed with MS. God has strenghtened, provided and under girded me. I refuse to quit and the enemy is not going to win the battle!
Praise God, He is faithfulful and will continue to be faithful to you and I whose hope is in Him.
We have a wonderful evening planned for you! Our spiritual theme is: "Letting Go, Letting God!" with Rebecca Wieder.
This will be an exciting time as Rebecca shares her testimony! I'm so proud of everything that God has done in her life and what He continues to do.
You are invited to come out and share in a meal. Please bring a dish to pass. There is a sign-up sheet in the lobby or you may RSVP through this email.
Also, I wanted to share with you that we are beginning two new bible studies for Women's Ministries beginning the week of February 7th.
One is by Joyce Meyer that will be held on Thursday's at 10:00 am in the conference room called "Never Quit". This is an excellent bible study and I encourage you that don't work or your schedule allows to come and be a part of it.
The other bible study is called "Faithful, Abundant, True" by three awesome bible teachers: Beth Moore, Priscilla Shirer, and Kay Arthur. This will be held on Tuesday evenings the week of February 7th at 7:00 pm in the Conference room.
There is no charge for these, only if you wish to purchase workbooks to work on your own at home.
Registration is this month in the lobby of the Sanctuary.
I hope and pray that you'll be able to come and be part of our special event this month!
Love & Hugs,
LaDonna Jones
WOW director (Women of Worth)
Gulf Coast Assembly of God
Welcome to W.O.W.
WOW stands for Women of Worth, a ministry to women in North Port and our community hosted by Gulf Coast Assembly of God.
Friday, January 20, 2012
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
January 2012

It's 2012 and I'm so excited about what God has in store for women! You are invited to attend our event this month as Rebecca shares her testimony! It is a powerful testimony.
Make your plans to attend!
Let Go and Let God have control in your life in this New year!
You are loved!

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