Dear Ladies,
There is a scripture that I remember our good friend and deceased church member, Gail Gaffron would say, "I will bless the Lord at all times and His praise will continually be on my lips."
Gail was ill in the later years that we knew her and she suffered tremendous pain throughout her body, but you never knew it. She would speak encouraging words and proclaim this scripture regardless of how she felt.
She was always a source of encouragement to my husband, Pastor Keith as well as to others she knew. She always listened to those that would go to her and they knew she could keep a confidence.
I was cleaning out a drawer the other day and came across a card she had given me. I have other precious keepsakes that she gave me while attending our church and seeing those items remind me of how special she was.
Another saying she'd say, "This too shall pass".
Most of us are going through "stuff" in our lives. God still deserves the glory and praise for all that He has done regardless if we think he is moving in our lives or not. Be assured He is moving.
Just because a negative diagnosis has been spoken over me... I remember her words of praise!
I believe that He is working all things out together for our good and yes, I will bless the Lord in the good times and in the bad and His praise will continually be on my lips.
Gail was truly was one of the wisest women I've ever known. She is missed dearly, and those of us that she invested in carry a piece of her in our hearts and lives today.
Like Gail, I encourage you to proclaim His promises in your situations and lives.
On another note: Don't forget our last WOW get together for the summer with Pastor Judi Cotignola! She comes from Palmetto. You will be blessed by her ministry.
She has a word to encourage you I guarantee it!
Love & Hugs,